Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hurry Up and Wait

Just got back from the doctor. Disappointingly, still 1 cm. :( The good news...75% effaced! She swept my membranes, which was a little uncomfortable but not nearly as painful as the horror stories I was told. This should release prostaglandins and help "get things going". I'm not getting my hopes up though...still 9 days away from my due date. The pelvic pressure and lower back pain have subsided today, which is why I'm not hopeful about going early. I'll just continue to hurry up and wait. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

38 weeks

Today marks 38 weeks! I'm dilated 1 cm but not really effaced yet. Wish it was more, but I'll take it. Next Wednesday she is going to try to "sweep my membranes." Did any of you moms out there have this done? Did it help get things going? I've been drinking my red raspberry leaf tea and trying to walk on my lunch hour. This week I've been feeling a lot of lower pressure and mild cramping. Maybe we'll have a Thanksgiving baby...

AJ and I are trying to live up the last few days of freedom we have left. I'm going to suggest a date night tonight...maybe dinner and a movie. Tomorrow we're meeting some friends for dinner. Mmmm....Bella Vita....can't wait!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Good Boy

We had an ultrasound at our doctor's appointment last Thursday, and his head is down like it should be! Hoooo-ray. Now hopefully he'll continue to be a good boy and stay there. He's been pretty well-behaved so far, so I think he will. 2 weeks and 4 days until our due date. And still not packed...working on it. I did get the Christmas tree up over the weekend though!

Monday, November 8, 2010

36 week update

Just a few more weeks to go! Our due date is December 3rd, and I pray I don't go too much over that. I'm getting a little restless at night, which in turn makes me tired during the day. Other than that, I can't complain. We see our doctor weekly now, and next week I think she'll do an ultrasound to make sure he is head down.

AJ and I have been busy trying to get ourselves prepared for parenthood. We've been reading everything we can get our hands on, taking classes--childbirth prep, breastfeeding, and natural childbirth, and soliciting advice. We're so blessed to have such generous friends and family who have showered us with gifts for baby Anthony. We're all set with baby gear. My mom has been especially helpful in getting us ready. I really don't know what I would have done without her help...I would be lost! We have his room almost ready, just some finishing touches and organizing. I still need to wash some more of his clothes. Question for the baby laundry detergent really necessary? I buy laundry detergent that is already free of dyes and fragrances for our clothes, and I would like to think this would be fine for Anthony, too. Trying to do things the right way as a first time mom, I went ahead and bought a couple of huge jugs of baby detergent..but it cost more than twice as much as regular detergent! Just curious what other moms out there do.

Next thing on the to-do list: start packing for the hospital!