Monday, December 6, 2010

40 weeks and 3 days

So I'm officially three days past my EDD. After a VERY long weekend of doing nothing but waiting for something to happen, I decided to call my doctor's office this morning. She was nice enough to squeeze me in this afternoon to sweep my membranes again. She said I was a lot softer than last week and now dilated to 2 cm! She also decided to do the NST today. She hooked me up to two monitors for about 30 minutes. One monitored baby boy's heart rate, and the other monitored my contractions. Yes, contractions. Apparently I'm having contractions and had no idea. I tried to pay close attention to how my body was feeling when I could see on the monitor that I was having one. The best way for me to explain it is tightening with a feeling of slight heart rate would go up and I would have a little shortness of breath. But this was very subtle. Baby boy's heart rate was great and everything looked perfect!

After talking it over with AJ and family, we decided to see if moving up our induction date to Friday was an option. Who wants to have a baby on the 13th anyway?! Dr. Ertle said that shouldn't be a problem at all, as long as they could reserve a room for me. She'll let me know for sure tomorrow. We'll check-in Thursday night, and she'll give me something to "ripen" my cervix. The goal would then be to try to get as much rest as possible that night. Then Friday morning, she'll see where we're at, and if necessary, break my water. Hopefully that will be enough to bring on strong enough contractions. If not, she'll start me on Pitocin...which will probably mean an epidural, too. :( I really want to have a natural birth, but I'm keeping an open mind...whatever needs to happen get him here safely. And who knows...he may come on his own before Friday. Say a prayer!

1 comment:

  1. Stay strong, Finney! Keep your eye on the prize...he's almost here! And these last few weeks which seem impossibly long with seem like a distant memory. Fingers crossed for happy, safe, and natural deliver! Can't wait for more updates!

